Harness GDAS Jumper ED.2 EMC
2287134-4 | |
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Product Overview
Harness GDAS Jumper ED.2 EMC is a specially designed part and a sub-component of the GDAS harness kit. The part consists of a power D-sub 8-position receptacle, power D-sub sockets and solid free hanging ferrite core. The power cable is a high quality VW-1 flame tested 12 AWG tinned copper insulated cable. The cable assembly offers outstanding flexibility for easier handling and it is designed to avoid external electro-magnetic interference through its quality shielding. The GE product is an innovation and technology which fits well into a versatile customer needs. The assembly is RoHS compliant and approved for todays safety standards. The product is packaged in a high quality packing box to avoid damage during transit.