Seal Receiver BCG Scavenger
1407-3901-000 | |
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Anesthesia Delivery | |
Aespire | |
GE HealthCare | |
GE HealthCare | |
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Product Overview
Seal receiver is provided in the exhalation valve assembly in the Anesthetic Gas Scavenging System (AGSS) manifold. The AGSS removes vented anesthetic gases from anesthesia machine in areas like operating rooms. This removal eliminates the possible long term health hazards for the exposed medical staff. The exhaled gas flows from the patient through a unidirectional valve and into the bellows. Residual drive gas along with exhaled gas flows out of the bellows to the scavenging system through the exhalation valve assembly to the scavenging port. The receiver body in exhalation valve assembly receives gases in breathing circuit. The seal which is flexible, encloses the receiver body and seals the receiver thus restricting gas flow to external environment. It provides a firm lock to the receiver body. It is easily removable and cleaned. It is used in XR Optima XR220amx, ARC Carestation 600, MS CARESCAPE™ Monitor B450, Aisys CS2, ARC Aespire View and in many other systems.